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Adam Walker wrote:
> What about the por/para distinction. How wide spread is that?
Very, I'd imagine. What are some examples where you'd translate both
<por> and <para> with the same word, either to English or to other Romance?***********
Gracias por la informacion.
Thanks for the information.
Este regalo es para Juan.
This gift is for Juan.
And even worse situations like:
Juan compro' el regalo para Maria.
Juan compro' el regalo para Maria.
In which both por and para must be translated "for" but have a very different sense of for-ness.
> . . . por and para already drive me to distraction in Spanish . . .
Because <por> is a false friend?
Sp por para
Fr par pour
En by for***
But "by" is not the most common translation for "por". The most common translation for both words is "for".
Anton Sherwood, http://www.ogre.nu/
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