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Re: [romanceconlang] Despues and Apud

If I did anything with "apud" in C-a it would come out . . .  apud.  But since yesterday I have been toying with the idea of dropping initial vowels or at least some initial vowels in C-a. That would give pud.  It would also mean that Ingueza (English) would become Ngueza. Amidua (almond) would become midua. Ambragu (marjoram) would become mbragu.It starts looking rather bantu. I'm not sure if I like it or not.



 Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email> wrote:

--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote:

> Also did Latin apud spawn any childrean besides
> French avec from apud+haec?

Kerno has "po" /po/ and "poz", /poD/. It
basically means "along side of".


'n aon le prims, bes et 'mbrach;
'n aon le cerch, futeur et lugh;
'n aon le ters, dofert a' afert;
'n aon le coueart, y chorn ce quei mi tetulli-el!


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