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habarakhe4 <theophilus88@hidden.email> wrote:
--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker <carrajena@y...>
> I have begun webbifying my alternate timeline for Carthage. I'm
currently up to AD 763. I would appreciate constructive comments (on
the innovations marked in red) and corrections of errors on other
dates/events. Also, suggestions for other mommentus events which I
have overlooked would be appreciated. Any one who would like to take
a look can go here http://www.geocities.com/carrajena/timeline.html
to see what's up thus far.
> Adam
This is more thorough than my personal one for the Fortunate Isles,
also a traditionally Donatist realm (but FI was extremely isolated).***************
Really! The Islanders are Donatists. I hadn't realized that. Major coolness.
The use of colors works well. The number of revolts are certainly
realistic. AD 442 - the word is 'secede', not 'ceceed'.***************
That's what I get for typing past midnight. I'm just lucky that's all you found misspelled. And every third html code had to be retyped before it showed right!
One last
question: how wide is the area of Carrajena speakers?
Well, As of right now I believe the Carrajena are extends from Surt on the Libyan coast south to Waddan and Hun then west to Ghadamis. Then the boarder turns northward to Ghardaia in Algeria, continues past Laghouat to Medea just south of Algiers and follows the north bank of the Chelif River to the sea and includes the city of Mostaganem. It's a pretty big territory with a pretty big population of between 18 and 20 million. I'm not sure if the entire population in Carrajena speaking, but Berber, Arab, Coptic, Greek and Italian and Jewish minority groups exist. The distinctly Berber ethnic group is probably largely monolingual or bilingual in Carrajena. The other groups would be so small that bilingualism would be an economic must. I wonder what language the Carrajen Jews speak. Perhaps a form of Ladino or Italkian. Maybe there is a distinct Judeo-Cartheginian language. Maybe they speak an Arabic dialect. IIRC the Morrocan Jews, or at least some of them, spoke an Arabic-based language.