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Re: webpage questions

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker <carrajena@y...> 
> Yesterday, I started putting together a webpage for Carrajena and I 
have a couple of html-ly questions.  First, is there a way to show 
vowels with macrons and brevs in html documents?  Second, I know some 
of you out there have altered maps of the real world to show the 
locations of your conlangs.  Where have you found the maps you used 
and how did you go about altering them.
> Adam
I don't yet have a map of the Fortunate Isles, but for other purposes 
I find that National Geographic's website is useful (who else assumes 
that their products will be used in classrooms).
For examples, 
Look at http://www.habazaleidhabramez.homestead.com/randommaps.com