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Re: The Lord's prayer in Ninfeano

> Hi Sabrina.
  Hi Aingel!
> I like your version of the Lord's prayer in Ninfeano. I see it is 
> very similar to Spanish, Galician and Italian. I have some 
> for you:

  I'm glad you like it! It's my very first conlang, so i hope i've 
done a good job!
> * Your possessive adjectives do not use an article as in 
> Spanish, "tuo nome", "tuo è lo renio". Aingeljã is similar: "vou 
> nome", "voul'eh ou reixi~". Other romance languages do use the 
> definite article with the possessives.

 Indeed i didn't see the point in using the article.
> * The past participle of "to do" in your language is "faceda". It 
> seems to be a regular participle, as in Aingeljã (façre -> façat). 
> However, in Spanish it is completely irregular (hacer -> hecho), 
> because of Latin "factum".

  Yes, i based my language mainly on Italian, Spanish, Portuguese 
and French, and came up with the verb "Facer" for "to do". I think 
this verb is irregular in the 4 languages i named above, but i want 
to avoid irregular verbs and make it simple. I have only 3 irregular 
verbs : esser (to be), aver (to have) and ir (to go).
> * I have a question: How do you use personal pronouns with verbs 
> imperative? You say "perdonanos" (forgive us), but "nos libera" 
> (free us). Both are imperatives, but the second one is not as in 
> Spanish ("líbranos").

  Oh yeah, i realized  i made a mistake when using the personal 
pronoun in imperative. The first one is correct ("perdonanos") and 
the first one should have been "liberanos". I'm sorry, i had trouble 
deciding about that and i'm still a bit lost. But that's the only 
case where i'm using the enclisis (unlike Spanish and Italian).
> Bye, Sabrina.

  Hasta Luego!
> Aingel.
> A pagga doul'Aingeljã - La página del Angeliano - Angelian's 
> http://es.geocities.com/aingelja