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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: greetings and questions

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:40:43 -0000
"eamongraham21 <eamongraham21@hidden.email>" <eamongraham21@hidden.email> wrote:

> --- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "graavgaaln <dreamertwo@h...>" 
> <dreamertwo@h...> wrote:
> > This is great.  At least it's a good start.  Now if only I could 
> coax 
> > this computer into displaying the special characters for Romanian as 
> > something other than Chinese characters. *grumble*  Thanks for the 
> > link!
> No problem; I have the same trouble with mine - I wish I could offer 
> some advice, I finally just had to guess what each character was 
> supposed to represent and remember it.

Have you tried changing the encoding the browser thinks the page is in?
if the html page doesn't specify what encoding it's using, the browser
has to guess. There's usually a menu option for switching: e.g. in
mozilla it's under View > Character Coding. Once you find that menu,
it's just a question of trying various latin encodings until you find
one that works. I belive Romanian is encoded in ISO-8859-2 (or latin2),
but the web page could use something odd (or it could even do the Right
Thing and use unicode). Also, of course you'll need to have a font
installed for the appropriate encoding that has the romanian charaters
in it
