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On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:40:43 -0000 "eamongraham21 <eamongraham21@hidden.email>" <eamongraham21@hidden.email> wrote: > --- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "graavgaaln <dreamertwo@h...>" > <dreamertwo@h...> wrote: > > > This is great. At least it's a good start. Now if only I could > coax > > this computer into displaying the special characters for Romanian as > > something other than Chinese characters. *grumble* Thanks for the > > link! > > No problem; I have the same trouble with mine - I wish I could offer > some advice, I finally just had to guess what each character was > supposed to represent and remember it. > Have you tried changing the encoding the browser thinks the page is in? if the html page doesn't specify what encoding it's using, the browser has to guess. There's usually a menu option for switching: e.g. in mozilla it's under View > Character Coding. Once you find that menu, it's just a question of trying various latin encodings until you find one that works. I belive Romanian is encoded in ISO-8859-2 (or latin2), but the web page could use something odd (or it could even do the Right Thing and use unicode). Also, of course you'll need to have a font installed for the appropriate encoding that has the romanian charaters in it s.