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Re: greetings and questions

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "eamongraham21 
<eamongraham21@y...>" <eamongraham21@y...> wrote:
> --- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Adam Walker" 
> <dreamertwo@h...> wrote:
> >good place to start.
> Adam, sorry it took me some time to find this link again, but I 
> think it will help you.
> http://www.hungary.com/corvinus/lib/dunay/dunay05.htm#I
> The entire essay, if you feel like reading it, is quite educating 
> and will give you some more ideas but that particular page gives a 
> list of Greek lexicon in Romanian.  If I find anything else I'll 
> you know.

This is great.  At least it's a good start.  Now if only I could coax 
this computer into displaying the special characters for Romanian as 
something other than Chinese characters. *grumble*  Thanks for the 

> > 2.) Of course a really good source on Sicilian and/or southern 
> Italian would 
> > be even better.
> What exactly do you need?  I only have a few notes on Sicilian and 
> Southern Italian, but I might be able to put a couple things 
> together.

I really need to find a good dictionary of Sicilian (or one of the 
other southern dialects.  And an etymological source that focused on 
the Greek and Arabic influences wold be heaven but . . . .

> > 3.) Anyone know a source on Byzantine pronunciation??
> I don't think so. :(
> Cheers,
> Eamon

Thanks Eamon.
