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Re: [romanceconlang] introduction

 --- Sabrina Laurent skrzypszy: 

>  My name is Sabrina. I'm Eamon's fiancee. I joined the group because 
> i'm working on my very first conlang and thought it'd be cool to 
> introduce it to the group.

Welcome Sabrina! Glad that you decided to join us after all!

>  I haven't found a name for it yet. But it's a Romance hybrid based 
> on French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish. Its purpose is mainly 
> artistic, i've wanted to compare these languages and create a 
> language which, because it's based on these 4 languages, would be 
> understandable for Romance speakers.

Interesting, especially in the case of French I'm curious how you managed to
fit it in.

>  So far, i've worked on the phonology, and i've done a good bit of 
> the grammar (i'm basically half-way). I have a bit of vocabulary too.
>  I will give more details when i have time to develop this 
> introduction a little more. If you have any questions though, feel 
> free to ask. 

Of course! I can't formulate any question based on the above, but I would
surely like to see what you made. Start whereever you like.
I would suggest, BTW, that you give your language a name, at least a temporary
one. It gives a language some sort of extra personality, and it facilitates the
discussion. But of course, that's entirely up to you.

Needless to say: if you have any questions or uncertainties, don't hesitate to
toss them into the group. 

Welcome again!


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