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En réponse à "Sabrina Laurent <sabrina_l_g@hidden.email>" <sabrina_l_g@hidden.email>: > > > > Hello! > > My name is Sabrina. I'm Eamon's fiancee. I joined the group because > i'm working on my very first conlang and thought it'd be cool to > introduce it to the group. Salut Sabrina ! Bienvenue ! We were warned of your arrival :)) . Welcome to the list ! > I haven't found a name for it yet. But it's a Romance hybrid based > on French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish. Its purpose is mainly > artistic, i've wanted to compare these languages and create a > language which, because it's based on these 4 languages, would be > understandable for Romance speakers. Interesting. Have you looked at Occitan/Provençal and such? My Narbonósc, which is a langue d'oc, would fit in there too :)) . > So far, i've worked on the phonology, and i've done a good bit of > the grammar (i'm basically half-way). I have a bit of vocabulary too. > I will give more details when i have time to develop this > introduction a little more. If you have any questions though, feel > free to ask. Well, right now, I will just wait until your first post about your language. I'm impatient to see how it looks like! <hungry language-lover look ;))))> Welcome again! Christophe. http://rainbow.conlang.free.fr Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role. PS: As-tu pensé à joindre la liste Conlang ? Je parie qu'elle t'intéresserait aussi. Mais Eamon a déjà dû suffisamment t'en parler :) . Et t'inquiète pas, on a tous commencé quelque part, donc pas de fausse modestie ou de timidité ! :)