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--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Padraic Brown <elemtilas@y...> 
> --- "habarakhe4 <theophilus88@h...>"
> <theophilus88@h...> wrote:
> > Thus leaves room for the Etruscan
> > preposition /pi/ 'in, 
> > at, on', which the Hellenophiles have confused
> > with Greek /epi/ 'in, 
> > at, on/ to become /fy/ or /f'/ 'in, at, on'
> Describe for me the Etruscan substrate in F.
There are several distinct uses of Etruscan vocablulary
1. OF Prefix /-qua/ or -/qf<r>a/
This is a collective suffix from the Etruscan adjectival collective 
suffix [kwa]. OF uses it for both nouns and adjectives. A word 
containing this suffix is stressed on the second-to-last syllable, by 
analogy with Latin -/que/ It is no longer productive in CF.
Pulum `star' > pulumqua `starry firmament'
matan `above, over' > matanqf<r>a `highlands, interior'
mata `honeyed wine' > mataqf<r>a `honeyed wine cellar'*
*I bet the barbarians that visited liked this word.
meca `people, league' > mecaq<r>a `the government of FI'
stren `ornament' > strenqf<r>a `ornate'
2. Preposition OF /pi/, CF /py, p'/ `on, at, through'
This would not have survived if the Hellenophiles hadn't confused 
Etruscan /pi/ with Greek /epi/.
3. Place Names
matanqf<r>a f. Highlands, interior > tanqf<r>, tanqf<r>as [taNKu, 
tambaS] f. interior
intinqf<r>a f. Coastlands > tynqf<r>, tynqf<r>as [t1Nku, t1mbaS] 
tesinta f. Caretaker > I<B>yn, as [t_s1n, aS] f. Lanzarote *here*
spura f. City > spur, as [fSur, aS] f. City
spuri<B>a f. Village > spuri<b>a [fSurt_sa, aS] f. village
4. Christian Religious Terms
i<B>il [t_sil] > i<B>yl [t_s1r] to rule
i<B>ilatus [t_sila:tus] m. magistrate > i<B>lat [t_srat] m. God the 
tebaratus [te:bara:tus] m. judge > tebrat, aus [tebrat, oS] m. God the 
pua [pu:a] f. Wife > pu, as [fu, aS] f. Mary (only)
			> pub, as [fub, aS] f. wife (ordinary) 
"Wives (/pubas/) are so called because women marry when they are 
youngsters (/pubes/); but men do not necessarily marry at that age"
-Iullus IV, PR. F.I.
snenata [snena:ta] f. maid, companion > snat, as [Snat, aS] the Maid = 
tesinta [tesinta] f. caretaker > I<B>yn, as [t_s1n, aS] the Caretaker 
= Mary (or the island ofLanzarote *here*)
tora [to:ra] f. tomb > taur, as [tor, aS] the Holy Sepulchre
Note: This word was (probably) falsely connected with Latin /torus/, 
spura [Spu:ra] f. city > spur, as [fSur, aS] Sion, Jerusalem, 
falatus [fala:tus] m. sky > ult, os [urat, oS] m. Heaven
tusurtira [tusu:rtira] f. married couple > I<B>urta, as [t_su:t.a, aS] 
f. The marriage of Christ and the Church
alpana [alpa:na] f. > alpan, as [arfan, aS] f. Communion
turi<B>a [tu:rt_sa] f.n. offering > turtsa [tut.s.a] n.the bread and 
wine/body and blood of Christ
intialis [intia:lis] f. ghost > tial, as [tjar, aS] f. soul
lonnitus [lo:nnitus] m. freedman, Christian man > launtau, aus [ronto, 
oS] Christian man
lonnita [lo:nnita] m. freedman, Christian woman > launta, as [ronta, 
aS] Christian woman
sf<r>alus, a [swa:lus, a] adj. living > sf<r>alau, a, aus, as [Swaro, 
a, oS, aS] Christian (adj)
spuranus, a [spu:ra:nus, a] adj. of the city > spuranau, a, aus, as 
[fSurano, a, oS, aS] relating to salvation
lonna [lo:nna] f. family > lon, as[ron, aS] the Christian community
ruba [ru:ba] m. brother > rub, as [rub, aS] m.  male ascetic
seca [se:ka] f. daughter > sec, as [Sek, aS] f. female ascetic
trinatus, a [tri:na:tus] m. penitent > trinatau, a, aus, as [t.inato, 
a, oS, aS] m. penitent 

> Yeah.
> Padraic.
> =====
> beuyont alch geont la ciay la cina
> mangeiont alch geont y faues la lima;
>      pe' ne m' molestyont
>      que faciont
> doazque y facyont in rima.
> .