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Re: Welcome to my conlang page - Daisilingo

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Adam Walker" 
<dreamertwo@h...> wrote:
> I live in Taiwan in Kaohsiung.
> Iu domichiu en Taiuan en Gauxong.
It seems like a fascinating conlang.
Io similata co un fachinate conlanga.

Is there any document or website for further information about it?
Tha-di pere documenta o site po telore infoomazon ziicun se?

It's a joy a make friends with you.
Zi tha un ioia a devena amici con te.

Once I've been to Xinzhu(or Shinchu, New Bamboo).
In passa, mi habe vase a Chinzu(o novele bambou).

The scenery as well as people were beautiful there.
La cheneri con le popoli ethe belle idi.
> Adam

-- Jian Huang (Yellow Sword)