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Re: New Language

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4
<theophilus88@h...>" <theophilus88@h...> wrote:
> Greetings. My name is Marcus. I'm a Classical Language MA student. 

|Bemmindu in en listan!|
/bem"mind@zin em"bliSt@n/
Welcome to this list!

> Here is the Lord's Prayer in my language Fortunatian, which is spoken 
> in the Canaries. The script hasn't been fixed yet, so this is just 
> phonology.
> [SNIP]

Cool, very unconventional...  and also surprisingly non-trivial
to pronounce, for a romlang.  =P

What is /t./?  Palatized or retroflex /t/?  

> fso, a, oS, aS = article

Very unconventional indeed.  I would expect the cluster /fs/ to
erode to /s/ in such an omnipresent word...  but the speakers of
Fortunatian don't appear to be afraid of clusters.  ;-)

What is |fso| derived from?  It certainly doesn't appear to be 

PS:  I wonder what that text sounds like when you pronounce it.
Any chance that you could upload an audio recording of it?


It so happens gave my Jovian Paternoster its long overdue total
overhaul just yesterday.  Here is the up-to-date version, 
complete with audio files...



-- Christian Thalmann