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--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4 <theophilus88@h...>" <theophilus88@h...> wrote: > Greetings. My name is Marcus. I'm a Classical Language MA student. |Bemmindu in en listan!| /bem"mind@zin em"bliSt@n/ Welcome to this list! > Here is the Lord's Prayer in my language Fortunatian, which is spoken > in the Canaries. The script hasn't been fixed yet, so this is just > phonology. > > [SNIP] Cool, very unconventional... and also surprisingly non-trivial to pronounce, for a romlang. =P What is /t./? Palatized or retroflex /t/? > fso, a, oS, aS = article Very unconventional indeed. I would expect the cluster /fs/ to erode to /s/ in such an omnipresent word... but the speakers of Fortunatian don't appear to be afraid of clusters. ;-) What is |fso| derived from? It certainly doesn't appear to be |ille|. PS: I wonder what that text sounds like when you pronounce it. Any chance that you could upload an audio recording of it? <shameless_self-advertising> It so happens gave my Jovian Paternoster its long overdue total overhaul just yesterday. Here is the up-to-date version, complete with audio files... http://catharsis.netpeople.ch/langmaking/jovian_paternoster.htm </shameless_self-advertising> -- Christian Thalmann