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Greetings. My name is Marcus. I'm a Classical Language MA student. Here is the Lord's Prayer in my language Fortunatian, which is spoken in the Canaries. The script hasn't been fixed yet, so this is just phonology. y=high ctrl vwl @ = mid ctrl vwl fat. d@ noS fso pi @S y fsa ker, n@mn d@ te rikt d@ SaNktat redZ@n d@ te rikt d@ fr@fympat odyn. d@ te rikt d@ duk yt y fsa tyr yt y fsa ker dat fan d@ noS dodjen. a noS as@rb t.adZresjoneS d@ noS pan noS S@rn as@rbyt t.adZresjoneS daljoS non dukt noS ady teftatjon yt fr@tekt noS e fsoS maroS fso, a, oS, aS = article