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A Dom, 10 Nov 2002 18:27:23 -0800 Barry Garcia escrisse: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >I've heard about Mozarabic still at the Uni, but it was almost >impossible to find anything except of couple of glosses in our >libraries. >Having visited orbilat last week, I found some info there, and it >seemed to me that Arabic influence it underwent, was too strong. It >sounds more Arabic than Iberoromance. I'm still fascinated with the >way Farsi adopted Arabic borrowings. Maybe I'll try to follow its >example, so that "Arabo-Romance" could sound quite Spanish, but be >enriched with Arabic cultural impact. I don't know. The Kharjahs sound pretty much like a good mix between an archaic Spanish with A good amount of Arabic Loans. <<<<<<<<<< Well, maybe Arabic still sounds harsh for me. I'd like A.R. project be something like that: (not sure if Yahoo supports Arabic script, that's why I give it in approximate transcription à la Español): ¡Selamo! Me yamo Rashido. Soy mo9állemo de las lesanos Ladiniya y 9arabiya en una medrasa, y puedo daros premeros dorusos de nuestras lenguas querimas. ¡Buscá a nuebos raficos, gustá de nuestra medeniya! sh [S], ll [l:] -- not [L]!, 9 /?\/=[?], x [x] Con exteramo 9amico, Yitzik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~