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--- yscreus il Jowans Steenbergo: > 2. Languages derived from Vulgar Latin. A lot of > examples. In many cases the > language assumes a certain substratum (Welsh, Irish, > German, Slavic, Hebrew, > Persian, Urdu, to mention a few). The phonological > developments these substrata > underwent *here* are applied to Vulgar Latin > *there*, giving birth to languages > like Brithenig, Breathanach, Kerno, Judajca, > Germanech, Jelbäzech, Wenedyk). I should note that Kerno does _not_ follow that pattern. To the contrary, while there is certainly a large Celtic substratum, it follows a much more "aesthetic" Master Plan, rather than an application of Old Cornish sound changes. That it sounds somewhat like Cornish (and that its spelling looks like Cornish) is, while freaky, unintentional. Also to add to the "Roman" list, Old and Middle Kerno are properly called "Roumano". "Romá" is a more modern poetic (and political) name. > Some other languages are based on Vulgar Latin > without assuming a non-Romance > substratum (Narbonósc (?), Ibrán). > Working on Wenedyk I constantly struggle with the > fact, that my Latin > dictionary says nothing about Vulgar Latin. I find > it sometimes really hard to > avoid the trap of using a word that had already been > replaced by something else > in the IInd century. Muller's "Chrestomathy of VL" has a nice (but not long) glossary; and you might try to find Souter's "Glossary of Later Latin". And of course, any good etymological English dictionary will have loads of VL forms in it. > Personally, I am rather > fond of Oscan and Umbrian, and sometimes I think it > would be exciting to play with them a bit. They are the inspiration for the sayings of Pomperios Perfurios, which show up as sigs every now and then. An interesting list! > Jan Padraic. ===== il dunar-li c' argeont ayn politig; celist il pozponer le mbutheor ayn backun gras. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site http://webhosting.yahoo.com/