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Dear Jan,

As I had mentioned to Ángel, I've been very late in dealing with my
conlang e-mails and I've had trouble with my mail server so I missed
several romanceconlang postings, but I just wanted to say that I'm
really enjoying the development of Wenedyk and to ask a question
that may have already been covered.

As I understand your language comes around through the contact of
Latin and Slavic, I wonder if you looked at any of the ways the
Slavic substrate and contact influenced the development of Romanian,
being a Romance language with significant Slavic influence in
phonology, grammar and vocabulary (and other influences too).  Even
the inflection of nouns is thought to have been retained in Romanian
from Latin under Slavic influence.  The Slavic influence on the
development of Romanian may or may not fit in with your plan (and I
think you probably wanted something a lot more thoroughly Slavic
Romanian) but I was curious if you had considered it.

Again, I really enjoy watching your progress and learning from your
