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Re: [romanceconlang] Language names (was: Greetings and Intro to my projects)

Padraic Brown wrote:
Kerno uses a. C. = ante Christo and A. D. = anno
domino. PC hasn't hit Ill Bethisad yet, but I suppose
the Chravithyck minority, especially in academia,

Chravithyck? Any relation to An Greveth (Armorican Paganism)?

I haven't actually thought about how the Arvorchedeth date years. Since the majority of the islanders are pagans, they presumably wouldn't use a Christian-based system. They'd probably use AD/BC for communication with the outside world and their own system internally, much like Saudi Arabia.

Presumably the Arvorchedeth would start their dating from 450 CE, when the Isles were settled, using the abbreviation b.Y., for "blydh an Ynysaw"- year of the Isles.
