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Eric Christophersson wrote:
Ah. Odd... in all the years I've studied Spanish, I didn't know how to say "A.D." and "B.C." in it.
For trivia's sake, I looked through a couple of dictionaries to find AD/BC in a few natlangs:
Italian: d.C. - AD - doppo Cristo a.C. - BC - ante Cristo Irish: I.C. - AD - iar-Chríost R.Ch. - BC roimh Chríost German: n. Chr. - AD - nach Christus v. Chr. - BC - vor Christus Welsh O.C. - Ad - Oed Crist C.C. - BC - Cyn CristAFAICT, only English uses the abbreviation "AD" from Latin "anno Domini". Anyone more for any more?