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Re: [romanceconlang] Language names (was: Greetings and Intro to my projects)

On Sat, Aug 17, 2002 at 08:15:37AM -0700, Padraic Brown wrote:
> --- Eric Christopherson <rakko@hidden.email> wrote:
> > > By definition, all Romance languages would be
> > > descended from some kind of VL, whether that's the
> > > VL of the ii century AC or the i century AD.
> > 
> > Curious -- what does "AC" stand for?
> Er. "Ante Christum"? (Or "Ante Christo" in Spanish.)
> Sometimes I type things in Foreign and don't realise
> I've done it until after I puch the "send" button.

Ah. Odd... in all the years I've studied Spanish, I didn't know how to say
"A.D." and "B.C." in it.

Furrfu!		r a k k o  at  c h a r t e r  dot  n e t