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Re: [romanceconlang] CL and VL: the differences

 --- Ash <equinus100@hidden.email> wrote: > 

> While we are at the topic of the distinction between classical and vulgar
> Latins..
> It is said that Satiricon by Petronius is the only known Latin work which is
> written in VL, or something close to that. Can some one point out (or give a
> link of a site that shows) the key differences between classical Latin and
> Petronian usage?

Thanks to Barry, I found the following very illuminating link:

The site contains also another work in Vulgar Latin, the Peregrinatio
Aetheriae. Besides, it shows some of the graffity on the walls of Pompeii, a
nice corpus of one-liners in Vulgar Latin.


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