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Re: [romanceconlang] Hello & Slovanik

--- Christophe Grandsire wrote:

> > It's pretty odd, in any event (possibly even
> > ungrammatical -
> > can you unsubscribe *to* something?).
> You'd probably more unsubscribe *from* something,
> but I guess people at Yahoo 
> are not that aware of those small grammatical
> differences...

Leads me to wonder how important the preposition is in
such instances. It sounds funny, now that someone has
explicitly pointed out the incorrect preposition. But
this is an old Yoohoo.com end of message tag (several
of us complained about it last year or so, and it
disappeared) and I've read it several times recently
and never noticed anything amiss with the preposition.

Perhaps, in English, the prefix un- causes me to
mentally override any preposition that might occur
where "to" does.

> Christophe.


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mangeiont alch geont y faues la lima;
     pe' ne m' molestyont
     que faciont
doazque y facyont in rima.

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