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some food terms

Here are a few food terms I've tentatively set as I begin working out some
vocabulary for Cardadjena.  These are vegetables and spices.  Not sure why I
started with these as opposed to meats or fruits, but . . .

asparagus: asparagu _or_ aspraguzu
bean: fava
beet: beda
cabbage: calizu
capers: caparis
celery: sejeri (from Lombard selleri. Don't ask me why.)
cucumber: cun~izu
dandelion: tarazagu
eggplant: badijana
endive: intuvu
garlic: aju
kale: crambi
lettuce: lapuga
onion: cheba
parsley: perduzinu
parsnip: pastinaga
peas: pizus _or_ chichelus
radish: ravnuzu
turnip: rabu


anise: anedunu
basil: baziliga (from French)
bay: laja
chamomile: camemija (from Latin with contamination from Greek)
cinnamon: chin~amomu
cumin:  cuminu
fennel: huenigulu
ginger: zinzveri _or_ zindjeri
oregano: origanonu
pepper: pibri
rosemary: rosmarinu
saffron: zavrana
sage: salue _or_ saue
salt: sal _or_ sar
taragon: tarcunu if <Pers., targona if <Fr., targoncha if <Sp.
thyme: timu

Well, that's all for *this* post.


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