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I also spent some time working on pronouns below are my current results. Subject pronouns: jo I tu you, familiar vos you, formal su he (also used with masculine gender inanimates) sa she (ditto for feminine gender inaninmates) si it (used with neuter gender) nos we tus you pl., familiar vosus you pl., formal masculine or mixed gender vosas you pl., formal feminine sus they, masculine or mixed sas they, feminine sis they/those neuter Posessive mui tui vui sui nostru tustru vestru sustru Prepositionals at mivi at tivi at vivi at sivi at novis at tovis at vovis at sovis Demonstrative that those istu istus ista istas isti istis the other one audru audra audri Of course there are still alot of forms that I haven't worked out yet and some of these may need changing, but I wanted to go ahead and post these to get some feedback. Adamu _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com