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Re: [romanceconlang] Romance to be

From: "Mangiat" <mangiat@hidden.email>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 16:54:32 +0200

> >From: "Mangiat" <mangiat@hidden.email>
> >Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 16:26:35 +0200
> >
> Interesting.  Would I be imposing if I asked for the conjugation in

Certainly not;-) inf.: vess
pres. (I will include also pronouns and pronominal proclitics): mi (a) sont
[mI a suNt], ti te seet [tI te se:t], lù/lee l'è [lY lE]/[le: lE], nun (a)
semm [nYN a sEm], vialter (a) sii [vjalter a si:], lor (i) hinn [lu:r jIn].

That is intriguing and makes me wonder even more what the C-a forms will be. Vess is especially interesting -- it looks almost Germanic. I'm not saying that it is (it's not, is it?) just that it has that "feel". And now I'm dying to know where that "hinn" comes from. And some of those pronouns are kinda funky too.

I will list you also Aemilian and Friulian inf. and aff. (these langs have
particular conjugation for interrogative also) pr. tense:

Aem.: inf: èsser; pr.: mé a sòn, té t'î, ló l'é, nó a sèn, vó a sî, lòur i
Fr.:  inf.: jessi; pr.: o soi, tu sês, al è, o sin, o sês, a son.

> Where do *these* forms come from.  They are *way* cool.

Sorry, I lack infoes about where *these* are from:-)




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