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Re: [romanceconlang] Cardajin~insa

Barry Garcia wrote:
> Question: So, what is the explanation for these? Don't most romance langs
> use the word for 10 + the smaller number in order to make the teens past
> 15? It also appears that when you hit 18, you subtract from 20 to get that
> number. Was that a latin development, or is this something unique to
> Cardajiñinsa?

In Classical Latin, 11-17 were formed from small number plus 10
(one-ten, two-ten, three-ten, etc.), 18 and 19 were literally "two from
twenty" and "one from twenty", as were all 8's and 9's below 100.

Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon
A nation without a language is a nation without a heart - Welsh proverb
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