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Re: Maps of Ill Bethisad.

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 14:19:52 +1200 andrew <hobbit@hidden.email>
> Let's play around with Judajca as part of Ill Bethisad.  It's got 
> the most radical conhistory but it might fit in.
Well, it certainly isn't as radical as that "What if the Second Temple
had survived?" article's alternate history!

The split between Here and There in the Judajca timeline happened after
the Bar Kokhba revolt.
Here, the Romans punished Judea for revolting by religious persecution,
the renaming of Judea to "Palestine", and the conversion of Jerusalem to
Aelia Capitolina. (if i remember correctly)
There, the Romans tried to 'rehabilitate' Judea by swamping it with
imperial colonists.
They hoped that the colonists would engulf the native inhabitants and
assimilate them into Greco-Roman culture.
The development of Judajca was their only victory in that respect, as
first Hebrew, and then later Aramaic, ceased to be spoken languages and
retreated into the realm of liturgy and literature.
That was their only victory, though - the great majority of the imperial
colonists ended up 'going native' and assimilating into the Judean
populace, instead!

(Although even Judajca was only a partial victory;  for centuries it was
derided as _Mi:litta:ri:t,_ or "Soldier-speak", and to this day there are
a few Zealot communities in Judea where speaking it will get you kicked
out of town)

With a stronger and less devastated nation, Judea was hurt less by the
Islamic conquest, the Crusades, etc., than the Jewish community in Israel
*here* was.  That mostly has religious repercussions for Judaism, namely
a more varied Tradition - with the Babylonian and Jerusalemite Talmuds on
equal footing, the Gaonic period's wave of uniformity that swept the
Diaspora didn't occur.  The situation in the _mo:led,et,_ ("homeland")
wasn't stable enough to significantly change the size of the Diaspora,

Talking about the Second Temple, over *there* it was never rebuilt, even
though i, at least, would expect that it would have.  The Judeans believe
that they live in a state called sarcastically in Hebrew _ga:lu:t,
sebba:a:rez_, "an exile within the Land" - whenever anyone has tried to
build up initiative and support to rebuild the Temple, the various
uncooperative and/or hostile segments within Judean society bickered or
fought so hard over details and plans that everything fell apart.  so
eventually the populace developed a "wait for the messianic age" mindset
similar to pre-zionist *here* jewry, but much more optimistic, since they
after all are already in the Land, they just need to learn to get along
with eachother :-) .

The idea behind Mueva Sefarad is that Ferdinand and Isabella's deadline
for the Expulsion was just a little bit later than it was *here*, so
Columbus got back to Spain (_Ispamja:_ in Judajca) before the deadline;
and when the Jews (and Muslims?) heard about the "New World" they decided
it'd be much better over there, said "screw you" to the Reconquistadores,
loaded onto a huge fleet of ships and just upped and left.  And then the
Spanish they spoke followed pretty much the same evolution in America
*there* as it did *here* to become Ladino.  I wonder if the Spaniards
would have tried to stop them.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "verbing weirds language." ~ calvin (& hobbes)

> Other powers that be might know if there is a place for Mueva 
> Sefarad.
> I believe the Kemrese Jewish population dates from this time, but I
> haven't given it a definate date yet.
> Have you read the article http://pages.prodigy.net/aesir/temple.htm 
> ,
> What If the Second Temple Had Survived AD 70? 
> - andrew.
> --
> Andrew Smith, Intheologus 
> 			hobbit@hidden.email
> http://hobbit.griffler.co.nz/homepage.html
> Lent: Living in Borrowed Time
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