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Am 03/29 20:41 Steg Belsky yscrifef: > Btw, is there any room for my Judajca speakers in Ill Bethisad? Has > anyone plotted out the Middle East yet? > And for that matter, is there a place in that north american League for > "Mueva Sefarad", the post-Spanish-Expulsion Sephardic colony/refuge that > BP Jonsson said i could borrow from his universe of Al-Maghreb Al-Akbar, > et al, into whatever universe Judajca fits into? > > Let's see if this goes through, I'm wrestling with changing servers. Let's play around with Judajca as part of Ill Bethisad. It's got the most radical conhistory but it might fit in. Other powers that be might know if there is a place for Mueva Sefarad. I believe the Kemrese Jewish population dates from this time, but I haven't given it a definate date yet. Have you read the article http://pages.prodigy.net/aesir/temple.htm , What If the Second Temple Had Survived AD 70? - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus hobbit@hidden.email http://hobbit.griffler.co.nz/homepage.html Lent: Living in Borrowed Time