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Dear colleagues, We are working on a linguistic site concerned Romance languages and connected to the "Atlas of the Languages of the World" project. Ready are some materials on several Romance languages as far as map of Romance languages of "Istria peninsula (Slovenia/Croatia) and southern part of Friuli Venezia Giulia region (Italy)". --> http://ipsas.freeyellow.com/alw_rom.htm The printed version of "ALW. Romance set" consists of 13 multicoloured maps, 280x200 mm and Overview text. It can be ordered for $50 --> http://ipsas.freeyellow.com/alw-order.html Finally, one more edition has been preparing by our group, encyclopedic multi-volume publication LANGUAGES of the WORLD. The release of Romance volume of LW is in April, 2001, but many others are already available: --> http://ipsas.freeyellow.com/langworld.html We'll be glad to receive your comments, suggestions and just to see you at ours'. Hope to be yours, Yura Koryakov Languages of the World group Institute of Linguistics RAS Moscow