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I've been trying on working on the conjugations for verbs in my Judeo-Romance conlang, Jûdajcâ (notice the name change, final long A), and this is what i've come up with so far. (accented syllable has the capitalized vowel, if no capital, stress falls on last syllable of root) Prônôminnôrû: eg / tû / hac hâjic / nôs / jôs / hîdê hajdê (pronouns: i / you(sg) / he she / we / you(pl) / they(m) they(f) Jelbî Âma"z ~ -âl / -âr (Â Verbs) -ÂL = active infinitive ending -ÂR = passive infinitive ending Prayyentâ (present): actîvâ: -ô -â - -Âmû -Âtî -An passîvâ: -Ôs -Ârê -Âtû -âmÛyû -âmÎn -Enet Pelpectâ (past/perfect): actîvâ: -Âvî -âvEset -Âv -âvÎmû -âvEset -âvÊren passîvâ: -âtÛs -âtûyÊ -âtûyÊs -âtîyÛm -âtîjÊs -âtîyÛn Puttûrâ (future/conditional?): actîvâ: -âljÔ -âlÎ -âlÎt -âlÎmû -âlÎtî -âljÛn passîvâ: -Âbô -âbEres -âbÎtû -âbÎmû -âbimmÎn -âbÔnet Impêrâtîvâ (command): actîvâ: - -Ât passîvâ: -Âr -Âmen As usual, the circumflexes should be macrons, and various consonants are missing their cedillas. Do the conjugations look like the words they'd make would be impossibly long? -Stephen (Steg) "chia pet!"