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Re: [romanceconlang] para

At 17:28 2001-01-14 -0600, Eric Christopherson wrote:
^ Is <pora> a conjunction of pol + a, or something separate? And is it
pretty much like <para> in Spanish? (And where did <para> come from?)

According to Meyer-Lübke Sp. _para_ is a compounded form of PER. Unfortunately he does not say *what* PER was compounded with to arrive at _para_, but probably it was AD.

Catalan has _pera_, BTW.

/BP 8^)>
B.Philip Jonsson mailto:bpX@hidden.email (delete X)
               A h-ammen ledin i phith!                \ \
    __  ____ ____    _____________ ____ __   __ __     / /
    \ \/___ \\__ \  /___  _____/\ \\__ \\ \  \ \\ \   / /
    / /   / /  /  \    / /Melroch\ \_/ // /  / // /  / /
   / /___/ /_ / /\ \  / /Melarocco\_  // /__/ // /__/ /
  /_________//_/  \_\/ /Eowine__   / / \___/\_\\___/\_\
Gwaedhvenn Angelmiel\ \______/ /ah/ /_adar Merthol naun
|| Lenda lenda pellalenda pellatellenda cuivie aiya! ||
"A coincidence, as we say in Middle-Earth" (JRR Tolkien)