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Re: [romanceconlang] Digest Number 11

romanceconlang@hidden.email writes:
>  "And remember the truth that once was spoken,
>  To love another person is to see the face of God."
>  "E recûrda-te lla verdá que ha sío deito,
>  Amar outra pessona es veer ei visaz de Dío."

I wanted to try my hand at this phrase:

E recòrdate la verá que á sío fauláo, amal una otra pesona es vel la cara
de díos. 

I'll have to do an intro to Montreiano soon, but i'm still working on late
school work, so it will come sometime this weekend probably.


Aunque vengas de rodillas 				
y me implores y me pidas 				
aunque vengas y me llores  				
que te absuelva y te perdone 				
Aunque a mi me causes pena  			
he tirado tus cadenas