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I finally came up with the non-"-ÂL" conjugations, but i'm still only on the present tense. There has been a lot of change due to analogy. Subject pronouns: EG, TÛ, ....*, NÔS, JÔS, ....*. (third person pronouns i haven't figured out yet) active / passive -ÂL / -ÂR -ô / -o -â / -âra -a / -âtu -âmû / -âmu -âti / -âmîn -an / -ânat -ÊL / -ÊR -ô / -o -ê / -êre -e / -êtu -êmû / -êmu -êti / -êmîn -en / -ênet -ÎL / -ÎR -ô / -o -î / -îri -i / -îtu -îmû / -îmu -îti / -îmîn -in / -înit sample verbs: AMÂL = to love ABSINÊL = to abstain TRASALÎR = to jump over Any comments? -Stephen (Steg) "and for you i will also give... a ferret."