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- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 20:01:19 EDT
- Subject: hedging
- To: katanda@yahoogroups.com
In LS 16.6 Hedges, you say
>There are times when we need to modify the modality of an utterance, implying that the situation is true in spite of reasons to believe otherwise. Linguists refer to this process as "hedging".
If hedging is a way of modifying the modality of an utterance implying that the situation is TRUE despite reasons to believe otherwise, are there analogous, distinct modalities implying that the situation is obvious/significant/reasonable/necessary/etc. despite reasons to believe otherwise? In other words, is there a hedge modality corresponding to each other modality, in the way that the hedge modality in LS corresponds to the probability (and perhaps evidentiality) modality?