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Re: L34, sentence #6: ... some his tools ...

BestATN@hidden.email wrote:
> Here's the 6th drill sentence in Lesson 34: 
>     Peter stopped working on the truck because some his tools
>       are blunt.    
>       Bupi poskinza Kapedebyo fungo vakxe bununsanta lenyo peho
>       dawmu.
> The phrase "lenyo peho dawmu" should be translated as "some OF his tools".


> Here's the 7th drill sentence from Lesson 34:
>     It's easier to destroy things than to build them.
>     Cayzdanta xeku mabubaxo gevatsi tane jabaxo vahi.
> Shouldn't "jabaxo" be "mabaxo", partly to keep the same form after "tane" as 
> before, but also because "jabaxo" means it has the same subject as the 
> previous verb, namely "gevatsi", which is the object of "jabaxo" (vahi).

You're right.  I goofed again!

> I was quite astonished by the structure of sentence 16 of Lesson 34:]
>     The barely crooked pencils cost much less than the
>       straight ones.
>     Sebinsanda ledenyo bunugo suva tane lenugonti fokunti xeva.
> I expected something like:
>        Myasebinsanda foku xeva ledenyo bunugo suva tane lenugonti.

Either one is correct.  However, I wanted to use the specific word
"sebinsanda" meaning 'to cost' because it hadn't been used in a while.
"Sebinsanta foku" = "myasebinsanda foku" literally means 'to be less


Rick Morneau