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"Garrett Jones" <alkaline@hidden.email> wrote: > > will katanda be able to handle levels of formality/politeness, like in such > languages as Japanese, or even the simple european system? to such cultures > as the japanese, these politeness levels are a very important part of the > language. > The register morphemes should be adequate. > > Well, does verbosity really matter when this is an interlingua, and the > resulting verbose text will be translated into a natlang before actually > being used? If you can make it create verbose texts, can you make it > de-verbosify them? > I doubt if this is even remotely possible. It would require far too much intelligence on the part of the translation software. Even human translators would have difficulties. Regards, Rick Morneau http://www.srv.net/~ram http://www.eskimo.com/~ram