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hey i signed up for this list at the beginning, with the intention to learn katanda while making posts, but it turned out i simply didn't have enough time. Oh well. In any case, i had some questions about the usage of katanda in machine translation: 1. Is katanda supposed to map out all of the possibilities of the languages of the world? If so, that means it will have to take into account the typology of all of lexical semantics, which i'm sure is quite a beast. There are many many possibilities for shades of meaning in different languages for even simple words. 2. Would katanda be capable of maintaining a "timeless" and culture-independent translation for any particular work, with the ability to translate it into any particular language whether it be a foreign language or a future dialect of its original language? This would help for such works as the bible, where people have to learn a dead language to translate it to the latest language, since repeated translations through natural languages introduce compounding errors. -- Garrett Jones http://www.alkaline.org