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a third kind of 'duck teacher'

LS 22.1 gives two variations of the phrase 'duck teacher':

>    duck teacher = "koskinzaw genaji" = 'teacher about ducks' where
        "kobyo" = 'teacher', "koski" = AP-s verb 'to teach', verb
        "koskinza" = AP/F-s 'to teach', "naji" = 'duck', and "ge-" =
        generic prefix.

        [Remember, we open up the argument structure of a normally
        'closed' noun by using the part-of-speech suffix "-aw".]
However, do not confuse this with:
    duck teacher = "najinto kobyo" = 'a teacher who is a duck'

        [Here, there is no need to 'open up' the noun "teacher" to make
        the subject position available for use.  Instead, we simply use
        the adjective version of the noun meaning 'duck'.]

It might be useful to mention a third kind of duck teacher to go along with the first, since it's so similar in form: "koskimpaw genaji" = 'a teacher of ducks'.

Also, "kobyo" is mentioned under the "koskinzaw genaji" example even though it's not used until the "najinto kobyo" example.
