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lesson29 (2002-09-10)

finally a 29th lesson! :)

  sutanda       pidgin ("su-" = minimal scalar polarity prefix)
  fotanda       creole ("fo-" = low scalar polarity prefix)
in what consists the being minor of "pidgin" and "creole"?

	fidwa	- forest, wood(s)/woodland
why not "sedwa" or "dedwa"? "fidwa" sounds like "biotope", or something like that.

1. In an earlier lesson, we learned that roots ending in "linto"
refer to games and sports.  For example, "xulinto" = 'basketball'
and "kolinto" = 'chess'.  If the classifier is changed to "-byo",
then the result will represent the player of the game.  For example,
"xulibyo" = 'basketball player'.  Note that this is consistent with
other uses of "-nto" and "-byo" that we've seen so far (although it
does not have to be).  For example, "caybanto" = 'zoology', while
"caybabyo" ='zoologist'.
i don't like hidden rules, and that "byo" ist the performer of a "linto" or a "nto", is a hidden rule. why there is no suffix that means "performer"?

	The speech writer is angry because you keep imitating him.
	Myamesi debyo te getamwa vakxe sosa batenza tumi dehi.
what's the difference between "you keep imitating him" and "you don't stop imitating him"? maybe "sosa", "casa" and "lisa" are all "bube busa"?

	During the winter, sports are in the auditorium instead of
	  in the stadium.
	Fudinda gasande bumendu filinto tato tune livu.
as long as it's not "gefilinto"... :)
i mean, isn't it necessary to distinguish between "sports" (that someone does) and "sports" (the way of spending someone's time)? the same question goes for "biology": is it a science that someone does or a science that someone can do? i think that this would be important in order to know if it's generic or conrete.

	Peter will stop shouting angry words at Mary after she
	  climbs down from the attic.
	Bugoy fida Kapedebyo Kamaryabyo getadya mesinto goynde
	  buxuski mahi budi cito.
the words themselves aren't angry! maybe a ccm or something like that is needed?

	Three of the adults in the kitchen are starting to shout
	  that they need more salt for their food.
	Desa myafida nimundaw lexabyo dindu meto xenidunda nihi
	  fuswa xeku vaspe fuvyu niho.
sts: vaspe -> vaspu