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Re: [katanda] lesson 28 "ne" sentence

Title: Re: [katanda] lesson 28 "ne" sentence
current version has no "ne":

> The containers with the chicken legs weigh more than eight
Funsanda lesyu te lecaynze te gefuji pofusya cimu xeku.

my understanding is that "ne" (and "bube" and other disjuncts) are NEVER abbreviations of anything.

by the way, only VERBAL disjuncts are verbs.  none of the tense-aspect or modal disjuncts is a verb.


i don't remember the question to this answer. (and i always delete the messages, because i think that if something important has to be added, there will be a quote of the former message). what is about this "ne" that doesn't occur anymore in that sentence? i forgot, sorry.

what a pitty, i thought that everything can be dealt with using verbs and demotion of arguments and so on... actually, i still think it is possible.
