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Re: [katanda] dindu

Title: Re: [katanda] dindu
In a message dated 2002-09-15 12:20:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, sts@hidden.email writes:
    I'll show you a town where each family owns a very
      talkative parrot.
    Goy vezdimba mi tumi dawnsi va dindu setsa sulupu viselumu
      taji tansa xeva va.
sts: again my "dindu" -> "zodindu", if that makes sence.

i would use "zodindaw".  the way it's given here, it looks like the town is in the (act or event of) each family owning a parrot.

"zodindaw" is an open noun. we would need an open adverb before it to have an oblique argument. what do you think of this:

"goy vezdimba mi tumi dawnsi va dindu zodindaw setsa sulupo viselumu."
