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weight has weight?
- From: BestATN@hidden.email
- Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 18:17:09 EDT
- Subject: weight has weight?
- To: katanda@yahoogroups.com
Lesson 26 has the following sentence:
> The weight of this water is lighter than of that salt.
Bufunsanta xeku zofunsandaw naze ju tane fuswa tuju.
To me, the weight can be less, or the water can be lighter, but the weight itself cannot be lighter.
I would say:
>Bufunsanta xeku naze ju tane fuswa tuju = This water is lighter than that salt.
>Myafunsanda foku naze ju tane fuswa tuju = This water weighs less than that salt.
[Here I'm using "myafunsanda" (P-s [-F]) as 'to weigh' instead of "funsanta"
(P-s) 'to be heavy', with which it is functionally equivalent. Is this distinction valid?]
or just possibly:
>Fokunta zofunsandaw naze ju tane fuswa tuju = The weight of this water is less than of that salt.
Can "foku" et al. be used liked this? I couldn't find or think of any other way to say 'to be more/less'.