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how long, etc.: kiva vs. kiku

In Grammar point 2 of Lesson 18 it says:

>2. To ask the question "How X is something?", simply use "kiva" for the
focus of the measure verb:

    Monsanda nango mosya nimu = The boat is three meters long.
    Monsanda nango kiva = How long is the boat?

    Monsamba tumi nango mosya nimu = You made the boat three meters
    Monsamba tumi nango kiva = How long did you make the boat?

Can the same thing be expressed using "kiku"?  E.g.,
instead of     Monsanda nango kiva = How long is the boat?
can we say    Monsanta kiku nango?

"Kiku" is introduced in Lesson 21 with this one example (which doesn't have a measure verb):

> How drunk were the students along the river?
Pi tagonta kiku lekocabyo modindu mosay?

LS 12.0 has:
>The interrogative modifier "kiku" can be used in expressions such as "How heavy is the box?" or "How generous is Bill compared to John?".
