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sulupu foy

Here's a short letter I wrote for practice.  Would you translate it with comments? My English version follows. 

casi mi jada tumi fomundaw sulupu foy.
tenda mi bapu deku bipu foy ne bupu foy poku tumu ne xapu deku xipu tumu nu xupu tumu poku vomu.  batsa mi napu xansa viku.  xansanda mi vesya vojemu.
tenda mi netse tipu va ne napu nimu.  batsa lenapu foy nipu semu ne nupu tumu.  nusa kwanta nupu tumu foy cova mi ne tipu foy.  tenda domi cavu va fudi xensa bubinsa. 
ligoy kocabyonta nupu xansa xeku foy nimbe-xesyantay-famuntay.  myafusinda mi.

I want to tell you a little about my family.
I have two parents (my mother and my father) and four siblings (two sisters and two brothers).  I am the oldest child.  I am forty-six years old.
I also have a wife and three children.  My children are one daughter and two sons.  My two sons are here with me and my wife.  We have a house in a small city. 
My older son will resume being a student in five days.  It makes me happy.
