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new comments on ref-doc and lessons

here some more comments:

	Imagine a dirty blue automobile outside a big mansion.
	Vesindoy cango cimyu bunago va bufudindu sevu binsa va.
sts: i'd say "vesinzoy".

	Do you want me to keep this table short like that one?
	Kibe casi tumi buxunsanfa mi vozwe ju batende tujunti?
sts: i don't understand why it's "batende". why not simply "bate"? hm...

	The actor saw one blue bird climbing down the wall.
	Pi vezdi tubyo ji cimyu semu buxuskinze xukxe.
sts: ha! i thought it was "Pi vezdi tubyo buxuskinza ji cimyu semu xukxe." this would be the same in english, wouldn't it?

	I got the slow heavy truck far away from here.
	Tenja mi fungo funsa bucaynsa pedi kwanti.
sts: what about "xenikwa" instead of "pedi kwanti"?

	That distant skyscraper has a good penthouse restaurant.
	Tenda civu pensa niju funye cansa va te gexuto.
sts: what about "pedinto" instead of "pensa"?

	The wealthy actor will be eager to tell me about his
	  mansion and his limousine.
	Goy caysi tubyo sensa jada mi sevu tuho ne sengo tuho
sts: the period is missing.

	Koda mi Kamexebyo bube pi fudinda tadya binsa tumu takotoy
sts:period is missing.
