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new chapter material (19.1) on indirect questions
- From: BestATN@hidden.email
- Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 20:24:03 EDT
- Subject: new chapter material (19.1) on indirect questions
- To: katanda@yahoogroups.com
In the new material in LS chapter 19.1, you have:
1) duplicate 'like':
> How much do you like like the teacher?
I know how much you like the teacher.
2) "Who book" instead of "Whose book"?
> Who book are you reading?
I know whose book you are reading.
>Here, we have to restate the sentence as "I know the person who you are
reading his book", where "his" is an anaphor for "person".
It's more like "I know the identity of the person who...". I may not actually know the person at all, but I can identify him in some way that lets me say "I know whose book it is." The same for "I know who did it."
By the way, both Lojban and Klingon have serious difficulties with these types of indirect questions [despite Lojban's built-in 'solution' ("kau")].