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new valency terminator

The valency terminator "doku" is used to close exactly one level of argument structure each time it is used.  Since it is not always known how many times it must be used to close all the currently open argument structures, as before a vocative, how about creating a new valency terminator to close all currently open argument structures at once.  This way it would not be necessary to repeat "doku" an indefinite (and possible insufficient) number of times before using a vocative, for example.  Thus the example in K-E for "dayva" would become (using "raku" as the new terminator):

>Dayva! - Say there!, Hey!, Ahoy!, attempt to get someone's attention. ... Like all vocatives, when used as a stand-alone sentence, it may have to be preceded by

>one or more "doku" particles
=>  the particle "raku"

>to make sure that it is not considered an argument of the preceding sentence.

>doku doku doku Dayva! = Say there!
=>   raku Dayva! = Say there!
