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> I wonder if the Katanda words for the modalities would be just the
> "ma--nzasni" forms for each modality.  I.e.,
> mabenzasni - probability
> macabenzasni - acceptability
> madebenzasni - evidentiality
> ...

Yes.  But you don't need "ma-" for the deontic modalities.  You also
have to use "-nd-" instead of "-nz-".

You have to keep in mind that some of the English equivalents are
ambiguous.  For example, "xenidundasni" literally means 'high degree of
necessity' while "nidundasni" means 'degree of necessity' with no
indication of the actual degree (it could even be zero).  Thus, it
doesn't make sense to ask "What is the xenidundasni?", but it does make
sense to ask "What is the nidundasni?".  On the other hand, it doesn't
make sense to say "The nidundasni for more money is obvious".  Instead,
"xenidundasni" must be used.

> Bube bube kwanta tumi = ?

The syntax allows it, but you know the old saying: "Garbage in, garbage


Rick Morneau