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I mentioned "mesya" because of the association of "me-" with heat and 

I'm not real fond of the mnemonic use of the semi-morphs, which is why i 
prefer "mesya" to "sentisya".  

I think "sesya" would make a great word for "general unit of currency".

Kelvins are the same size as degrees Centigrade, only the zero point is 
different (absolute zero for kelvins and freezing point of water [at standard 
temperature and pressure?] for degrees Centigrade).

>Right now, my highest priority is the
>software.  Vocabulary building is not as important to me.
I know.  :-(

It has occurred to me that all of the material on the web about Katanda that 
I can see is basically peripheral to your main focus at the moment.  I 
suppose that can't be helped, but it is somewhat frustrating to see only the 
wake of the iceberg.

Another possible epistemic modality is for expressing how well-known 
something is.
