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[katanda] Re: Test: Is this list dead?

> I guess I might have tried 'dayvimunti', or would that be interpreted
> as inanimate?

Animacy is not specified.  It simply means 'all' and can be interpreted
as animate or inanimate or even sentient depending on the context.

> Yes, but:
> 'letadya tatsandu ...' = 'words meaning ...'
> would be preferable to:
> 'letadya catsandu ...' = 'words for the purpose of ...'
> Correct?

Isn't that what I did?  Here is my final result again:

    Xebenza mi xenidunda Katanda letadya tatsandu liku <wish>dya zane
	<hope>dya zane <wonder>dya poku.
    = I think that Katanda needs the words meaning "wish", "hope", and

> I didn't anticipate that word order would result in a distributive
> interpretation with articles.

It's discussed in the syntax appendix of the reference manual but not in
the lessons.  I'll have to fix that.

> What happens when you have an article and an *open/heavy* adjective
> modifying the same noun?  I'm guessing you can't put the article after
> that.

Correct.  Heavy modifiers ALWAYS follow light modifiers (otherwise you
would have to bracket most heavy modifiers with "meku" and "gaku"):

    vozwe binsa fudindu cato = the big table in the living room
    vozwe fudindu cato binsa = the table in the big living room

Note that in English, light modifiers generally precede the noun while
heavy modifiers follow it.


Rick Morneau