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Re: [katanda] Re: Test: Is this list dead?

"maikxlx" <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dayva dayvimu,

This translates roughly as 'All of the say there!'.

I think you meant:

    Dayva, Daybyo vimu!
    'Say there, everybody!'

The word meaning 'hello' will be derived from the speech act verb
meaning 'to greet', which I haven't yet created.

> I think ponende should be pone;

They are, essentially.  "Ponende" is a case tag and its linkage is not
precise, while "pone" is a conjunction and its linkage IS precise.
"Ponende" is especially useful in machine translation because the
linkage of a natural language construction may not be clear.  It's also
useful if a clause and a noun phrase has to be linked, as in:

    Goy sesku mi nango ponende tumi.
    = I'll buy the boat depending on you.

> catsa should be tatsa.

I strongly disagree.  "Ca" has 'desire' as one of its senses which is
compatible with "catsa" = 'to have as a purpose or goal'.  "Ta" has
'speech' as one of its senses which is compatible with "tatsa" = 'to
mean or signify'.

> Batsa tujunti magidanzi va cansa.

"Magidanzi" (meaning 'question') is not acceptable because it eliminates
the possibility of an external patient.  The correct derivation is
"mamyagidambi".  Also, since cumulative adjective modification is left-
to-right in Katanda, "mamyagidambi va cansa" literally means 'the good
one of a question', which doesn't make sense (at least in the
singular).  Here's the correct sentence and the computer translation:

    Batsa tujunti mamyagidambi cansa va.
    = That's a good question.

> Mepi si mi batsandi.

Good.  Computer output:

    'I was thinking about the same thing.'

> Xebenza mi xenidunda Katanda letadya va tatsando liku wish poku ne
> liku hope poku ne liku wonder poku. :-)

You need to use "zane" instead of "poku ne" in a quoted list of
conjuncts.  Also, "tatsando" should be the open adjective "tatsandu".
Here's the correct version and the MT output:

    Xebenza mi xenidunda Katanda letadya tatsandu liku <wish>dya zane
	<hope>dya zane <wonder>dya poku.
    = I think that Katanda needs the words meaning "wish", "hope", and

Note that I got rid of "va".  Keep in mind that "va" is an INDEFINITE

By the way, I agree with you. :-)  I'll get around to it eventually.

> Dwiva cansampoy lemadanzi foy pone bucansanta dahi.

The same reasons for "mamyagidambi" also apply to "mamyadambi".  The
faulty dictionary entry has been fixed.  (Thanks!)

The semi-corrected version is:

    Dwiva cansampoy lemamyadambi foy pone bucansanta dahi.

MT output:

    Please fix my statements if they'll be bad.

First of all, I would personally rather use "xetadya" = 'sentence'
instead of "mamyadambi" = 'statement'.  Second, since imperative
"cansampoy" is inherently future, the conjunct is also future.  Here's
the result:

    Dwiva cansampoy lexetadya foy pone sa bucansanta xehi.
    = Please fix my sentences if they are bad.

Mission accomplished!


Rick Morneau